Community (Twitter)
--sref 2959860992 Absolutely love this! 😍 We've seen tons of sref code before, but this one... it's just chef's kiss 👨🍳💋👌 This is seriously next level stuff! 🚀🔥 Thank you @Craftian_BK for Sharing this code https://t.co/PluH6dvMY7 https://t.co/hXZ1o7yEs6
7/28/2024, 11:20:00 AM
Wedding. Going with a wedding theme for my son and his beautiful bride. They got married on Thursday. ❤️ --sref 2959860992 Midjourney. https://t.co/U0vXvbc1wi
7/28/2024, 3:11:35 PM
今まで見た中で最高のsref code 極上のミニマリズムをご覧あれ。 --sref 2959860992 thank you @Craftian_BK https://t.co/DMuGSv28NK
7/29/2024, 3:29:00 AM
gn ultraminimalism --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/20w6wOPz15
7/29/2024, 3:32:34 PM
These images came out too cute --sref 2959860992 by @Craftian_BK https://t.co/L4bFbx0aTL
7/29/2024, 5:10:07 PM
prompt "Lipstick" add --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/PdtxP3Nuss
7/29/2024, 5:20:22 PM
--sref 2959860992 https://t.co/4TTn5BgrVY
7/30/2024, 3:13:22 AM
I've found a gem in the space. --sref 2959860992 "Unapologetic" I didn't even upscale it in Midjourney because it takes away the cool gradient texture on the skin. https://t.co/ZZLyAKU3DU
8/1/2024, 8:25:05 AM
One of the most beautiful srefs, thanks @Craftian_BK! --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/2NppIg4v72
8/2/2024, 7:59:55 PM
@BeanieBlossom @Craftian_BK @quirkygirlme67 @tucsontillie @Art_For_Joy @altfortomorrow @DeepMonoArt @ThatAIApple @marcameg Thanks for the tag and the share, Beanie! I love both of your images. The 2nd one is so cute I can’t stand it 😊 Here’s my attempt with: --sref 2959860992 @CrisBlu1 @MindySarver https://t.co/PfloRr4WLV
8/3/2024, 8:53:05 PM
Nature and Minimalism Midjourney style reference --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/A8mrkc81J6
8/6/2024, 5:35:29 PM
うおおおおおおっ夏休み🍉🍉🍉嬉しいので私もプロンプト共有します。tamさんリスペクトプロンプトです。組み合わせた--sref は--sref 2959860992です。色々なsrefと組み合わせると面白いかと思います。 #nijijourneyv6 #AIart https://t.co/KRDAF44Oj6
8/9/2024, 11:10:43 AM
I combined two of my Midjourney Style References for these two beautiful images. The first image is: --sref 2959860992::2 2137639517::3 The second image is; --sref 2959860992::3 2137639517::2 https://t.co/Ch47sQ2eaq
8/10/2024, 2:13:54 PM
Single white feather on a black background --quality 2 --style raw --sref 2959860992 --stylize 1000 --v 6.1 #midjourneyV61 https://t.co/USBIqMUacN
8/11/2024, 4:09:15 PM
sref codeを掛け合わせて使う場合、 お互いの良さをぶつかり合い微妙な感じになることがあるけど、それぞれのsref codeが何を重視しているかを理解することですてきな組み合わせになる。 構図: --sref 2959860992(ミニマリズム) 色: --sref 4114158294(紫色) Let's try it! --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/huMT1fBNXE
8/14/2024, 10:37:54 PM
Midjourney. --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/WgZw9z9XiC
8/17/2024, 8:29:38 AM
ついにmidjourneyが無料開放。 Xユーザーはまずは検索ボックスにこれを入れてmidjourneyを楽しんで下さい。 📝min_faves:100 --sref 私のイチオシ--sref👇 --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/FCC8eBEFBx
8/22/2024, 2:20:26 PM
The Lord of the Rings minimalistic movie poster. --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/9nTj5yAsRL
8/27/2024, 7:58:01 PM
Minimal Movie Posters 2; Godzilla. --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/JgUvBTyWIc
8/30/2024, 1:36:25 PM
Album Cover Art 2 Lovely @ghostly_kisses always gives me sweet melancholy and this sref reminds me of them. --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/yFNBCtE48p
8/31/2024, 7:16:28 AM
(not a new sref but a good one) prompt : art --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/zwEU21MaoS
10/11/2024, 9:36:44 AM
I found this SREF by accident. I was playing around with --sref 2959860992 that @muriellondon shared. Thanks. When copying, I forgot the last digit. Now I'm sharing --sref 295986099 with you. I love it. --sref 295986099 #midjourney #PromptShare #srefshare #sref #tischeins https://t.co/E3A7TyaEYM
10/12/2024, 7:04:27 AM
cool new images I created #midjourney --sref 2959860992 https://t.co/dhEkPukhJX
10/23/2024, 5:03:01 PM